
Distinctive, aesthetic, and high quality – the much-awarded M-PLAN series now has another design option:real glass frames. In combination with different surfaces such as a rocker made from thermoplastic brilliant - a top class switch.

Its shape, its colour, and not least its material are what makes a product unique. With the new M-PLAN metal frames, you are making a clear commitment: to pure aesthetics and exclusive taste.

Groundbreaking in form and design.
The ARTEC is nowadays already a classic among surface switches. Its timeless appeal combines a clean use of form with a slimline appearance. The new KNX push-buttons plus offer large, easy to use operating surfaces and have a bus coupler already integrated.

If you demand complete satisfaction you must leave familiar terrain. Perfection is only possible when the mind crosses borders. These pure and durable materials are unique. A replicas relojes design which refers to the beauty of the original. Clear, combined shapes - superb craftsmanship.

您可能会忽视这一点,但您每时每刻都会感受到其优势:新型 PlanoCentro 存在探测器以其极其扁平的设计而特别迷人,它适合每个房间的装饰,并且可以通过多种颜色、材料和设计几乎隐形地集成到天花板中。形式。